New Black Dada Painting
Adam Pendleton
New Black Dada Painting
Galeria Pedro Cera is pleased to announce the second solo exhibition of works by Adam Pendleton. The exhibition will be comprised of five new paintings from the artist’s Black Dada series. Made by photocopying reproductions of Sol LeWitt’s Incomplete Open Cubes, begun in 1974, that are then cropped and subsequently enlarged, transforming the reproductions into abstract broad-bands, Pendleton pairs the lines with capital letters drawn from the words BLACK DADA—a quotation from LeRoi Jones’ 1964 poem “BLACK DADA NIHILISMUS”. Through the formal and conceptual juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated material Pendleton composes abstract, concrete compositions that draw into question linear readings of two different yet, as played out in the space of each work, related lineages.