Pedro Cera

Antonio Ballester Moreno

Everything Cycles


Everything Cycles

Antonio Ballester Moreno

Everything Cycles


Galeria Pedro Cera takes great pleasure in announcing the second solo exhibition by Antonio Ballester Moreno on its premises.

Ballester Moreno’s painting stands in an area of confluence between the popular and the erudite.

If on the one hand the forms depicted in his painting mainly refer to symbols of universal expression that are easily identifiable and which have direct references to nature, on the other hand we find a revisiting of more sophisticated vocabularies that used to serve as sources for authors at the beginning and middle of the twentieth century.

In some case his references appear to have their origins in the symbolic representation of African tribes, in other cases they refer back to geometrical compositions attributable to civilisations from the north of Africa and the Middle East, and in others they only refer to surfaces and colours without any referent. Cubists, Fauvists, Concrete and Neo-Concrete artists dealt with these subjects in isolation; Ballester Moreno uses them indistinctively.

In this sense one could state that his paintings function as decanters of complex realities that wish to filter until the find the essence of the forms of the objects they represent.

The triangles are mountains, the circles are moons or suns, the blues are seas or skies, the greens are meadows, the tree is a tree and the red is — in this case — the exception that confirms the rule.

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